What’s the Best Part about The Haunting of Hill House?

Sameed Ajax
2 min readNov 1, 2020

Look out for your loved ones because no one else will.

Time for you to wear costumes and watch the best Halloween movies.

Let me go out on a limb here and assume you are a Netflix subscriber. And who isn’t in 2020?

But, as a binge-watcher who watches TV shows every day, Netflix doesn’t have good horror shows.

The Haunting of Hill House is an exception. Of course.

From the storyline to the characters, ghosts, the history of the house, and the nitty-gritty details throughout the show, it was a good horror show.

I am not someone who often watch horror stuff (because of… reasons). But the Haunting of Hill House is worthwhile.

So, the best part about the show was the family bonding even though most of then were super weird, addicted to substance, run a funeral home (gosh) and had nightmares.

Their bonding was strong because they understand each other’s feelings but doesn’t really talk about it openly.

Not so much for family interventions.

Their brother was stealing but they let him be. They despise their father but still respect his presence. All in all, they look out for each other. Just like families do. And this pandemic situation showed us how our loved ones matters the most.

Not your money.

Not your job.

Not your boss.

Not your side chick….

At some point of time, you will start to realise that your family (brother, sister, mom, dad) is truly the one who understands what you are going through in your adult life whether it is depression or sadness or lack of sleep. Because they are the ones who brought you up and watch you grow. In a way.

This is the reason why family matters and their feelings for you might change over time but the love remains the same.

You might despise your mommy or daddy for not giving what you want as a kid or not listening to your wishes but there’s more to life than just material things.

Imagine sitting around by the fire and just talking to each other under the cold sky. For hours. This is a real family-led meditation in itself.

Do try it sometimes.

You might be busy in your life and have no time to even send a Whatsapp message to a brother in another city or your mom

But do take out time for more Sunday dinners. Let’s bring back the 90’s.



Sameed Ajax

I share life lessons from TV shows that you are watching.