“I am feeling well” is the most underrated line right now (Don’t get me started why)-Focus on 1 habit only

Sameed Ajax
2 min readSep 18, 2020

How on earth can a person feel well while dealing with a pandemic, social media addiction, and climate change?

The answer is work on a single habit every single day.

I am not going to waste your time and discuss the stupid stuff that is causing stress Or anxiety already. But we have to find a way to deal with the elephant in the room.

Do 1 thing that makes you feel like you live in the 90s or in an age without the Internet.

Trust me you will feel more human and emotional after getting in touch with your younger self.

It can be a trip down the memory lane. Let me rephrase that. It SHOULD be a trip down the memory lane.

Before I suggest a few tips on how you can do that, make a list real quickly. Because you know better which things make you feel younger and remind you of good times.

You can do this for a few minutes or an hour it doesn’t matter as long as you feel happy.

How can you do it?

  1. See or make a photo album. I am talking about physical photo albums.
  2. Visit your old house or apartment. You can’t do this everyday but once in a while works fine. The point is, go back to the things that can connect you to your younger self.
  3. Listen to really old songs. I mean those ones that make you feel like you are actually in the 80s and 90s. That makes your pop or mom turn their heads. Yeah that one.
  4. Planting. The best way to connect with nature and yourself as a human. We have actually forgotten what being a human really means. Truth be told, I am also trying to develop this habit so we are on the same level my friend.

I am usually good with lists but this is it.

Feel free to comment down below to keep building this list. Y



Sameed Ajax

I share life lessons from TV shows that you are watching.